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useCallback hook
useCallback Hook in React
In React, performance optimization is a crucial aspect of building user interfaces. One of the most common performance bottlenecks is re-rendering components, which can slow down the app. To mitigate this,...
Installing a specific version of c++ compiler
Installing a specific version of c++ compiler
Installing a specific version of c++ compiler might be required in some cases. In the basic scenarios, it is enough to use your versions of compilers and build the system delivered in your distribution...
useMemo hook
React useMemo hook and how to use it
React’s useMemo hook is a powerful tool for improving the performance of your components by limiting the number of expensive calculations in your components. In this post, I will show you how to...
useEffect hook
React useEffect hook and how to use it
React’s useEffect hook is a powerful tool for managing the side effects of your components. This hook allows you to run your code whenever watched value has changed, and can be used for tasks such...
useState hook
React useState hook and how to use it
React’s useState hook is a powerful tool for managing the state in functional components. It allows developers to easily add state to their components without needing class-based components or additional...
C++ environment setup
C++ Environment setup
C++ environment setup is not the easiest task and its quality highly impacts your comfort of use. In order to simplify it, we use some commonly used tools and extensions. Many readers have different machines...
Never nest RxJS subscriptions!
RxJS is a powerful library for working with asynchronous data streams in JavaScript. One of the key concepts in RxJS is the idea of a “subscription” – a way to connect to a data stream...
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