change detection

Mastering Angular Change Detection Optimization: Boosting Performance with Efficiency

Angular’s change detection mechanism is powerful but can have a significant impact on performance, especially in complex applications with frequent updates. In our previous blog posts, we delved into various aspects of improving performance in Angular applications. Today, we continue our exploration by focusing on optimizing Angular’s change detection mechanism.

To deliver a fast and responsive user experience, it’s crucial to optimize Angular’s change detection process. In this blog post, we will explore various techniques and best practices for optimizing Angular’s change detection, ensuring your application runs efficiently. Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets of Angular change detection optimization!

Change Detection Basics

Angular’s change detection mechanism is responsible for traversing the component tree and checking for changes in the component’s data bindings. Let’s dive deeper into how Angular performs this process.

Change Detection Process:

When an event occurs in an Angular application, such as user input or an asynchronous operation completing, Angular triggers change detection. The change detection process follows these steps:

  1. Starting from the root component, Angular performs a top-down traversal of the component tree.
  2. Angular checks each component for changes by comparing the component’s current state with its previous state. This comparison is based on the values of the component’s properties and the data bindings associated with those properties.
  3. Angular updates the DOM with the new values if changes are detected. This update propagates from the root component down to its child components.
  4. After updating the DOM, Angular checks if there are any child components that also require change detection. If so, it recursively performs change detection on those child components.
  5. Angular repeats this process until there are no more components to check or update.

Change Detection Triggers:

Angular uses various triggers to initiate the change detection process:

  1. User Events: When a user interacts with an Angular application, such as clicking a button or entering text in an input field, these events trigger change detection. Angular automatically detects these changes and updates the corresponding component and its child components.
  2. Asynchronous Operations: Asynchronous operations, such as timers, HTTP requests, or Promises, can also trigger change detection. Angular uses Zones, which provide a context for tracking and managing asynchronous operations within an Angular application. They enable Angular to detect changes and trigger the necessary updates. Zones encapsulate the change detection process and ensure that it runs within the Angular framework. Angular leverages zones to intercept asynchronous operations such as timers, promises, and event listeners, allowing change detection to be triggered appropriately.
  3. Application State Changes: Changes to the application state, such as modifying data in a service or updating shared data between components, can trigger change detection. Angular detects these changes and updates the affected components accordingly.

Change Detection Strategies

Angular provides different change detection strategies to optimize the performance of your application. Understanding these strategies and when to use them can significantly improve the efficiency of change detection. Let’s explore the available change detection strategies with examples:

Default Strategy (CheckAlways)

The default change detection strategy, known as “CheckAlways,” is the standard behavior in Angular. In this strategy, Angular performs change detection on all components in the component tree during each change detection cycle. This means that every time an event occurs, Angular will traverse the entire component tree and check for changes in all components.The process of traversing the component tree in the default strategy follows steps from

The default strategy ensures maximum reactivity but can lead to performance issues in large and complex applications. Since all components are checked during each change detection cycle, even those that haven’t undergone any changes, it can result in unnecessary overhead.

OnPush Strategy

The OnPush change detection strategy is an optimization technique that reduces the number of components requiring change detection. In this strategy, a component only undergoes change detection if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The component’s input properties change.
  • An event emitted by the component is triggered.
  • A component higher in the component tree triggers change detection.

The OnPush strategy assumes that if the input properties of a component remain unchanged, the component’s view will remain unchanged as well. This assumption is based on the immutability of data. By utilizing immutable data structures and state management libraries like NgRx, you can take full advantage of the OnPush strategy.

When traversing the component tree with the OnPush strategy, Angular follows these steps:

  1. Starting from the root component, Angular recursively checks each component and its child components.
  2. Angular compares the current state of each component with its previous state, similar to the default strategy.
  3. However, Angular only updates the DOM and triggers change detection for components that meet the conditions mentioned earlier: input properties changes, emitted events, or higher-level component triggers.
  4. Angular skips the change detection process for components that haven’t undergone any changes. This optimization significantly reduces the traversal and change detection overhead.
  5. After updating the DOM and performing change detection on the affected components, Angular continues traversing the component tree to check for any child components that require change detection.
  6. Angular repeats this process until there are no more components to check or update.

Additionally, in the OnPush strategy, asynchronous operations play a crucial role in triggering change detection. Angular uses Zones, which are execution contexts, to intercept asynchronous operations and trigger change detection when they complete. This means that if an asynchronous operation, such as a timer or an HTTP request, completes and updates the data in a component, change detection will be triggered for that component and its child components. This behavior ensures that the view reflects the updated data.

The AsyncPipe is a powerful tool in Angular that simplifies working with asynchronous data in templates. It automatically subscribes to an Observable or Promise and handles the unsubscription when the component is destroyed. When using the AsyncPipe with the OnPush strategy, Angular optimizes the change detection by only updating the view when the asynchronous operation completes and emits new data.

By leveraging the OnPush strategy, you can minimize unnecessary change detection cycles and optimize the performance of your Angular application.

Immutable Data and Pure Pipes

In Angular, working with immutable data and utilizing pure pipes are powerful techniques that can optimize change detection and improve the performance of your application. Let’s explore the concepts of immutable data and pure pipes in detail:

Immutable Data

Immutable data refers to data that cannot be changed once created. Instead of modifying existing data, immutable data promotes the creation of new data instances whenever a change is required. This approach has significant benefits for change detection in Angular:

  • Efficient Change Detection: Angular’s change detection mechanism relies on comparing the current state of data with its previous state to detect changes. With immutable data, the comparison becomes much faster because the reference itself can be checked for equality. If the reference has not changed, Angular can skip further checks, saving processing time.
  • Predictable State Management: Immutable data ensures that data is consistent and predictable, as it cannot be modified unexpectedly. This helps in maintaining a clear state management flow, reducing bugs and making the application easier to understand and reason about.
  • Effective Caching and Memoization: Immutable data structures facilitate efficient caching and memoization techniques. Since the data is immutable, it can be safely cached and reused in different parts of the application, eliminating redundant computations and improving overall performance.

When working with immutable data in Angular, it is crucial to use appropriate techniques and libraries such as NgRx, Immutable.js or even TypeScript’s Readonly modifier. These tools provide methods and utilities to create and manipulate immutable data structures effectively.

Pure Pipes

Angular pipes are a powerful feature that allows you to transform data within your templates. Pure pipes are a special type of pipe that take advantage of immutability to optimize performance. Pure pipes are designed to be stateless and operate solely based on their input parameters. They only recalculate and update their output when their input data changes.

By marking a custom pipe as pure, Angular can optimize the change detection process by reusing the pipe’s output if the input data remains the same. This avoids unnecessary recalculations and improves the efficiency of change detection.

Example of a pure pipe:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'customPurePipe',
  pure: true
export class CustomPurePipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: any): any {
    // Perform transformation logic
    return transformedValue;

In the above example, the pure property of the Pipe decorator is set to true, indicating that the CustomPurePipe is a pure pipe. Angular will optimize the change detection process for this pipe by reusing its output when the input data remains unchanged.

By utilizing pure pipes, you can achieve efficient and optimized data transformations within your Angular templates.

NgZone’s Role in Change Detection

By default, Angular runs asynchronous operations, such as timers, XHR requests, and event callbacks, inside the Angular Zone. This means that any changes triggered by these async operations will be detected and reflected in the view during the next change detection cycle.

While running async operations inside the zone ensures that change detection occurs as expected, it can have an impact on performance, especially when dealing with tasks that frequently trigger change detection. The continuous execution of change detection cycles can lead to unnecessary computations and reduced application performance.

To optimize performance, it is sometimes beneficial to run certain async tasks outside of the Angular Zone. This prevents the triggering of change detection during these tasks, reducing the computational overhead and improving the overall responsiveness of the application.

Optimizing Async Operations by Running Tasks Outside the Zone

To run async tasks outside of the Angular Zone, you can make use of the runOutsideAngular() method provided by the NgZone service. By executing code within this method, Angular is not aware of any changes that occur within the code block, and change detection is not triggered.

Here’s an example of how to run an async operation outside of the Angular Zone:

import { Component, NgZone } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-component',
  template: `...`,
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {}

  performAsyncOperation() {
    this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
      // Perform async operation here
      // This code runs outside of Angular's Zone

In the above example, the performAsyncOperation() method runs the async operation inside the runOutsideAngular() method. Any changes that occur within the code block will not trigger change detection until the execution returns to the Angular Zone.

Running tasks outside the Angular Zone is particularly useful for scenarios where you have long-running operations or external libraries that frequently update the application state. By keeping these operations outside the zone, you prevent unnecessary change detection cycles and improve the performance of your application.

However, it’s important to note that running tasks outside the zone should be used judiciously and only for specific cases where the performance gains outweigh the potential drawbacks. It’s crucial to consider the impact on data consistency and manual triggering of change detection when needed.

TrackBy Function for ngFor – Optimizing ngFor Performance

The ngFor directive in Angular allows us to iterate over a collection and generate HTML elements dynamically. By default, ngFor relies on the identity of the objects in the collection to determine if any changes have occurred. However, there are scenarios where this default behavior can lead to performance issues, especially when working with large collections or when items in the collection frequently change.

To address these performance concerns, Angular provides the ability to use a trackBy function with the ngFor directive. The trackBy function allows Angular to identify unique items in the collection based on a specific property or identifier. Let’s explore how the trackBy function works and its impact on ngFor performance:

Understanding the trackBy Function:

The trackBy function is a method that you can define in your component to identify unique items in the collection rendered by ngFor. Instead of relying solely on object identity, Angular uses the return value of the trackBy function to track changes in the collection.

The trackBy function takes two arguments: the index of the current item in the collection and the item itself. It should return a unique identifier for the item, such as an ID or a property value that uniquely identifies each item.

Performance Benefits of Using trackBy:

When you use the trackBy function with ngFor, Angular uses the provided identifier to track changes in the collection. This allows Angular to perform more efficient and targeted updates to the DOM when the collection changes.

Without using a trackBy function, ngFor compares each object in the collection against the previous collection, even if the objects have the same values. This can result in unnecessary re-rendering of DOM elements and degrade performance, especially with large collections or frequent changes.

By providing a trackBy function, Angular can determine which items have actually changed and update only those specific elements in the DOM. This significantly improves the rendering performance, as only the affected elements are updated, reducing unnecessary DOM manipulations.

Implementing the trackBy Function:

To implement the trackBy function, follow these steps:

Define the trackBy function in your component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-component',
  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy: trackByFn">{{ }}</li>
export class MyComponent {
  items: SomeInterface[] = [];

  trackByFn(index: number, item: SomeInterface): any {
    return; // Return a unique identifier for each item

Use the trackBy function in the ngFor directive by specifying it with the trackBy input.

    In the example above, the trackByFn function is implemented to return a unique identifier for each item in the collection. In this case, we use the id property as the identifier. The ngFor directive then uses this trackBy function to optimize the rendering and update only the necessary elements when the collection changes.

    Benefits and Considerations:

    Using the trackBy function with ngFor provides several benefits:

    • Improved rendering performance: By tracking changes based on unique identifiers, ngFor can update only the necessary elements in the DOM, resulting in faster rendering.
    • Reduced unnecessary DOM manipulations: With trackBy, Angular avoids re-rendering elements that haven’t changed, leading to fewer DOM manipulations and improved efficiency.
    • Better user experience: By optimizing the rendering process, ngFor with trackBy ensures a smoother user experience, especially when working with large collections or frequent updates.


    Change detection is a critical aspect of Angular’s rendering process, ensuring that your application’s view reflects the current state of data. Understanding how change detection works and employing optimization techniques can significantly improve the performance and responsiveness of your Angular applications.

    As an Angular developer, optimizing change detection is a continuous process. Stay up-to-date with the latest Angular releases and keep exploring new ways to improve the performance of your applications. With a solid understanding of Angular’s change detection mechanism and the optimization techniques discussed in this blog post, you can unlock the full potential of your Angular applications and deliver exceptional user experiences.

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